$100B AI Models

Good morning. It’s Monday, July 8th.

Did you know: On this day in 1995, the Sega Saturn was released?

In today’s email:

  • Open-Source Humanoid Robot

  • $100B AI Model Training

  • Kling AI Video Generator Available

  • 5 New AI Tools

  • Latest AI Research Papers

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Today’s trending AI news stories

RX1 is an open-source humanoid robot that you can build yourself for less than $1,000

RX1, an open-source humanoid robot developed by Red Rabbit Robotics, offers enthusiasts the opportunity to assemble their own for less than $1,000. This human-sized robot features two arms capable of grasping and manipulating objects, and it can be operated remotely via computer connection, utilizing either machine learning algorithms or a VR headset interface.

Utilizing a combination of 3D-printed parts and readily available components, RX1's design emphasizes affordability and accessibility. Initial plans for the humanoid servo component are already accessible on GitHub, with comprehensive build instructions, additional software, and further details slated for release in the near future. Read more.

The AI industry faces mounting pressure to justify its massive investments in infrastructure, with concerns over a potential bubble intensifying following a report by Sequoia Capital. Despite substantial expenditures on AI data centers by tech giants like Nvidia, AWS, Google, Meta, and Microsoft in 2023, revenue growth from AI applications has yet to match expectations.

According to analyst David Cahn, these companies need to collectively earn around $600 billion annually to offset their infrastructure costs effectively, including data centers primarily powered by compute GPUs. However, achieving such revenue remains a daunting challenge. Speculative investments and increasing competition from new players like AMD and Intel in the AI hardware market are putting pressure on GPU prices, further muddying profitability forecasts for AI ventures. Read more.

AI models that cost $1 billion to train are underway, $100 billion models coming — largest current models take 'only' $100 million to train: Anthropic CEO

The cost of training AI models is experiencing a steep rise, with projections suggesting future models could require training budgets as high as $100 billion, compared to current costs of around $100 million.

Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, discussed these estimates on the In Good Company podcast. He anticipates that by 2025 or 2026, advancements in algorithms and hardware could enable training costs to scale dramatically. This evolution reflects the shift towards more powerful AI systems capable of outperforming humans across various tasks, albeit requiring substantial computational resources.

Companies like Nvidia are already responding with innovations like the B200 AI chip, priced between $30,000 to $40,000, aiming to meet the escalating demands for AI infrastructure. Read more.

Impressive AI video generator KLING now available as web version

Kuaishou’s AI video generator, KLING, is now accessible online. This updated version allows users to create videos up to ten seconds long, with features like camera movements (panning, tilting, zooming) and support for negative prompts.

Free users can make three 10-second videos daily using this improved model, but registration still requires a Chinese phone number, although demo videos can be viewed without signing up. KLING competes directly with OpenAI's Sora by producing videos up to two minutes long at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second. It uses a 3D space-time attention system and a diffusion transformer to realistically simulate complex motions and interactions. Currently, KLING is available as a public demo in China. Read more.

Etcetera: Stories you may have missed

5 new AI-powered tools from around the web

Onyxium AI, with its technology-first approach, brings all the AI tools you need into one powerful, user-friendly platform to boost productivity and creativity.

TTSynth converts text to natural-sounding speech online, supporting multiple languages and voices. Generate high-quality TTS MP3 files for free.

ContentStudioAI simplifies video creation with AI-powered tools, offering automated production, script customization, multi-language support, and social media integration.

Krater AI's Chat with AI offers 15+ AI models in one interface. Web-enabled, supports file analysis. Starting at $7/month.

FairFetch adds invisible noise to your site to deter AI scraping while maintaining normal functionality for human visitors.

arXiv is a free online library where researchers share pre-publication papers.

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