AI Clones for Zoom Meetings?

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, June 5th.

Today in tech history: On this day in 1977, the Apple II was released. By the end of production in 1993, somewhere between five and six million Apple II series computers had been produced.

In today’s email:

  • AI Zoom Clones

  • OpenAI Employees Warnings of AGI

  • Altman on Next-Gen Data

  • Elon Orders Massive GPU Set for X

  • 10 New AI Tools

  • Latest AI Research Papers

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Today’s trending AI news stories

Zoom CEO Eric Yuan wants AI clones in meetings 

Zoom CEO Eric Yuan's vision for Zoom 2.0 takes a cue from science fiction, enabling users to send AI-powered digital avatars to meetings instead of attending themselves. This ushers in an era of "proxy presence," potentially freeing human employees from the ever-present burden of virtual meetings.

Zoom Workplace, the company's collaboration platform, would become the central hub for all work-related activities, integrating video conferencing, chat, document sharing, and other tools. While acknowledging the challenges of AI development, Yuan believes it can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on monotonous tasks. This, in turn, would allow for more in-person interaction and a better work-life balance. Read more.

Former and current employees of mostly OpenAI warn of risks of advanced AI

AI employees from OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic have penned a joint letter urging caution on the path to artificial superintelligence. Their concerns center on potential pitfalls like amplifying societal biases, weaponized misinformation, and the ever-present Terminator-like scenario of runaway AI.

The letter highlights a lack of sufficient industry oversight, citing financial incentives for companies to evade scrutiny and the limited disclosure of crucial information about their systems. Moreover, it calls for enhanced whistleblower protections within the AI sector, noting the inadequacy of existing safeguards that focus primarily on illegal activities.

The authors urge AI companies to embrace transparency and open communication, fostering a culture where dissent isn't stifled and risk concerns can be raised anonymously and without fear. Read more.

Sam Altman says OpenAI has enough data to train the next generation of AI

In a recent interview, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stressed the importance of utilizing high-quality data to train AI models, whether human-generated or synthetic. While Altman confirmed OpenAI currently possesses sufficient data for the next iteration beyond GPT-4, the company is also exploring the generation of significant volumes of synthetic data to test new AI training methods.

However, Altman views the primary question as how AI systems can derive more learning from less data. He questions the efficacy of solely relying on generating massive amounts of synthetic data for training, emphasizing the need for efficiency in learning from available data.

OpenAI's ongoing investment in high-quality, licensed training data from major publishers reflects this focus on data quality and belief that the path to stronger AI lies not just in more data, but in how effectively it's utilized. Read more.

Musk Orders Nvidia To Ship Thousands of AI Chips Reserved for Tesla to X and xAI

Internal emails, unearthed by CNBC, reveal Elon Musk has directed Nvidia to prioritize chip shipments to his other ventures, X and xAI, over Tesla. Despite Musk's ambitious plans to enhance Tesla's AI capabilities, he opted to divert a portion of Nvidia processors originally allocated to Tesla. This decision, revealed in internal Nvidia communications, underscores the complexities of managing multiple technology ventures simultaneously.

The decision has sparked discussions among Tesla investors, who are now analyzing the implications of this resource reallocation. Nvidia has opted not to comment on the matter, while representatives for Musk's conglomerate have yet to provide a response. Read more.

Etcetera: Stories you may have missed

10 new AI-powered tools from around the web

Exante is an AI-powered contract repository that organizes commercial agreements, enhancing visibility and efficiency for business operators with automated data extraction and management.

PixVerse is an AI-powered platform that simplifies video creation, allowing users to generate high-quality, imaginative videos without advanced editing skills or costly equipment.

Copyright Check Ai uses proprietary software to audit social media profiles for copyright violations, helping brands avoid legal disputes and ensure compliance

Second V2 automates codebase maintenance with AI, handling tasks like migrations and upgrades, allowing developers to focus on innovative software creation.

Kroolo is an AI-powered productivity suite that manages workspaces, projects, tasks, goals, and documents in one hub, saving 10 hours weekly.

Roundtable Alias provides AI-assisted survey data cleaning. It analyzes text quality and behavior to ensure genuine human responses. Pricing is volume-based.

Roast My Design is an AI-powered tool that analyzes website design and provides scores with actionable recommendations for aesthetics, copywriting, UI design, and consistency.

Clixie AI creates interactive experiences from videos with quizzes, chapters, bookmarks and more. No coding required.

Underlord by Descript is an AI-powered video editing assistant integrated into workflow, automates tedious tasks to improve editing speed.

Fibery 2.0 is a product discovery & development platform that uses AI to centralize and analyze user feedback and market signals to prioritize product features.

arXiv is a free online library where researchers share pre-publication papers.

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